I found this great infographic created by
Chobani with 12 fun ways to burn 100 calories!
Who'd have though SHOPPING could burn calories? (OK it makes sense now that I think about it; the running around the store, the burn in your arms as you insist on carrying everything rather than use a cart!)
Don't underestimate these everyday routine activities that burn calories; they count, and you've earned it! Be sure to log these babies in your calorie counter/fitness app if you have one!
Eating right also contributes to a healthy lifestyle, my biggest weakness is snacking, and boy do I have a sweet tooth!
Chobani wants inspire all of us to make healthier choices, and have created a whole range of delicious, naturally sweetened Greek Yogurt products, full flavor and satisfaction for just 100 calories.
This is awesome for me; my sweet tooth is satisfied thanks to flavors like "Strawberry Chocolate Truffle (Right!!!) and much healthier than my "just grabbing a chocolate bar for lunch" habit (I know, it's terrible, don't judge me!)

Chobani has some great info on their website including healthy recipes, nutrition information, and so much more. Check it all out
Now, to clean the house, or go shopping....the more shopping I do, the more calories I burn! :)
I'd love to hear your healthy tips!