Well, here it is, the middle of December, I have been so busy preparing for Christmas and the like, that I have not had time to write, but that ends now! I have been seeing and hearing a lot of hype on this "Elf on the Shelf" character, so my parents picked one up for me when they were at the mall yesterday! I decided I am going to take pictures of his every action and share his adventures with you.

This is Buddy, our new Elf on the shelf. I took him home yesterday at lunch, and put him on the shelf, in his box. When the kids came home from school, I took the box off the shelf and opened it up to introduce everybody. To our surprise, Buddy was not in his box! Confused yet excited, my oldest son spotted something in our Christmas tree that was out of sorts, yes, it was Buddy the elf, perched high in the branches! My kids squeeled for joy and thought he was pretty neat. After dinner, we sat down and read the book that came with Buddy to learn of his "rules", to my kids' disappointment, they quickly learned that they could not touch Buddy or all of his magical elf powers would disappear and he wouldn't be able to fly back to the North Pole nightly to report their behavior to the big guy!
The kids went to bed and kept asking where Buddy would be in the morning, I told them I did not know, but he would probably be hiding again as we are new to him and he is probably scared.

We woke up this morning to marshmallows all over the counter and Buddy the elf treating himself to a marshmallow bath in my loaf pan!
I can't wait to see what other surprises and mischief Buddy has up his tiny red felt sleeve!