I have recently heard a lot about the benefits of "oil pulling". What is oil pulling? Let's ask Wikipedia:
Oil pulling or oil swishing is a traditional folk remedy where oil is "swished" (kavala graha) or "held" (snigda gandoosha) in the mouth.
Seeing how I have a humongous jar of pure, virgin coconut oil in the cupboard, I decided to give this a try! I've read it whitens teeth, boosts energy, improves skin and so much more!
It's pretty easy, just take a tablespoon, put it in your mouth and swish it around for up to 20 minutes. I know, 20 minutes seems like forever. I do it first thing in the morning while I'm getting ready for work, and hope I don't have to yell at the kids!
If you can't do the 20 minutes, try starting with 5 and work your way up to 20.
Swish vigorously every few minutes, you really want to pull all the nasties from in between teeth and gums.
* Do not swallow this because it is pulling bacteria from your mouth, therefore it is very toxic. (Swallowing non-swished coconut oil is completely fine, in fact it has been said to help in weight loss, but that's a whole other experiment!)
When you're finished swishing, spit the oil out into a garbage can, not down the sink, it will solidify once cold and could cause clogs. Brush your teeth with warm water and toothpaste after.
I am going to document my 14 day oil pulling experience just to see what it really does. I will update daily.
Day 1: Pulled for 20 minutes. Oil has a pleasant, almost nutty flavour. Teeth felt very smooth and my mouth felt clean.
Day 2: 20 minutes. In the evening I noticed my hands were softer than they usually are, teeth smooth and look shinier than usual, overall mouth feels clean.
Day 3: 22 minutes. Woke up and immediately noticed a decrease in "morning breath"! After my coffee I didn't feel like I had nasty coffee breath as I usually do, all day my mouth felt clean. Also my nose isn't stuffed up anymore like it has been for the past two weeks.
Day 4: 15 minutes. Not much different today from yesterday, teeth feel smooth and look shiny.
Day 5: 20 minutes. Teeth and mouth still feel really clean, and I can feel a difference in my gums, kinda hard to explain, but it's a good difference. My skin feels good and the couple of blemishes I have had on my face for what seems like a lifetime, are starting to disappear! Saweeet!
Day 6: 20 minutes. Pretty much exactly the same as day 5!
Day 7: (One Week) This morning I thought I'd switch it up a bit and not pull until later in the day...bad idea! I have coffee breath! I should have not switched it up and kept my morning routine! Gahh!!!

Day 8: So I didn't end up pulling yesterday at all...BAD idea! this morning I woke up with "death breath" that everybody does in the morning, so I pulled for 25 minutes while I was getting ready this morning. After my morning coffee, I had coffee breath,
blechhh...uggg...has all my hard, oil pulling efforts this past week gone to waste? Let this be a lesson to me, to us...you are either committed to a cleaner, healthier mouth, or not...there is clearly no in between.
Day 9: 20 minutes. Mouth starting to feel a lot cleaner after skipping the other day...gahhh...why did I do that?! Teeth look shiny and feel very smooth. Will not skip again!!!
Days 10 - 14: approx. 20 minutes each day. No huge changes from the beginning of the second week; teeth are at least 2 shades whiter, feel clean, smooth and no more disgusting coffee breath!
In conclusion, yes, this is a pain in the butt, but it could easily be incorporated into your daily routine, preferably in the mornings. I am certain after longer use, teeth will become increasingly whiter.

Need helping finding a good coconut oil?
Reviews.com tested 6 different kinds of coconut oil and found 2 that taste and feel great. Click
here to discover the best coconut oil!
I would love to hear your experience with oil pulling, please feel free to comment or send an email!