Welcome to my blog! I suck at posting regularly but I’m really going to try hard this time! Here you will find many different things; I make and sell custom tea towels on Etsy, so you will see lots of those. I also love crafting and turning boring, bleak objects into chic pieces of art! I will also share my random thoughts and perhaps some good deals and coupon stuff as well! Enjoy!
Friday, October 13, 2017
DIY "spell books"
With some old books found at a thrift store, some plastic Halloween toys, paint, mod podge (you can also make your own mod podge by simply mixing water and white glue!) and paper towel, you can create your own spooky Halloween spell books!
Full tutorial found HERE.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Make your own topsy turvey pumpkin ornament
Here is a list of materials you will need for your project:


Friday, January 27, 2017
Can Dogs Eat Bananas? 10 Toxic Foods, 23 Safe Ones & A Few in the Middle
Are you planning to have a pet dog at home? Before you even say yes, make sure that you are responsible enough to take care of it. Dogs might be fun and playful, but they are also sensitive. This is true when it comes to the food they eat. They are not like humans that can eat almost anything. There are certain foods that dogs just can’t eat.
There are others that may even die of complications due to the content of certain dishes that they have eaten. This is why you need to understand the types of food that dogs can eat and what they can’t. It is extremely important that you pay attention to what you put on their bowl. Otherwise, they might get ill or worse, die.
For humans, eating fruits is totally recommended due to their nutritional value. The same can’t be said for dogs. There are certain types of fruits that are highly recommended such as bananas. Others fruits like apples are allowed, but only in moderation. However, grapes should be totally avoided. This could lead to poisoning.
This is just an example on the types of foods that dogs can eat and what are considered toxic for them. There are many other examples that you must be aware of. To make it easier for you, we have compiled an infographic below to help you out. This explains clearly the food groups.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
My 14 day oil pulling experiment
Oil pulling or oil swishing is a traditional folk remedy where oil is "swished" (kavala graha) or "held" (snigda gandoosha) in the mouth.
Day 3: 22 minutes. Woke up and immediately noticed a decrease in "morning breath"! After my coffee I didn't feel like I had nasty coffee breath as I usually do, all day my mouth felt clean. Also my nose isn't stuffed up anymore like it has been for the past two weeks.
Day 4: 15 minutes. Not much different today from yesterday, teeth feel smooth and look shiny.
Day 5: 20 minutes. Teeth and mouth still feel really clean, and I can feel a difference in my gums, kinda hard to explain, but it's a good difference. My skin feels good and the couple of blemishes I have had on my face for what seems like a lifetime, are starting to disappear! Saweeet!
Day 6: 20 minutes. Pretty much exactly the same as day 5!
Day 7: (One Week) This morning I thought I'd switch it up a bit and not pull until later in the day...bad idea! I have coffee breath! I should have not switched it up and kept my morning routine! Gahh!!!

blechhh...uggg...has all my hard, oil pulling efforts this past week gone to waste? Let this be a lesson to me, to us...you are either committed to a cleaner, healthier mouth, or not...there is clearly no in between.
Day 9: 20 minutes. Mouth starting to feel a lot cleaner after skipping the other day...gahhh...why did I do that?! Teeth look shiny and feel very smooth. Will not skip again!!!
Days 10 - 14: approx. 20 minutes each day. No huge changes from the beginning of the second week; teeth are at least 2 shades whiter, feel clean, smooth and no more disgusting coffee breath!
In conclusion, yes, this is a pain in the butt, but it could easily be incorporated into your daily routine, preferably in the mornings. I am certain after longer use, teeth will become increasingly whiter.

I would love to hear your experience with oil pulling, please feel free to comment or send an email!